Say hey to HH

Most questions are already answered by our website. To save yourself and our team time, please find the most useful information on the following places:

  • For information about our Naarm (Melbourne) location, head to our Melbourne page. If you’re looking specifically for availability and booking information, please head to its bookings page.
  • For information about our Sydney location on Gadigal Land, head to our Sydney page. If you’re looking specifically for availability and booking information, please head to its bookings page.
  • For answers to frequently asked questions about Hedon House, head to our FAQ!

Please don’t use this form to ask whether a particular date or time is available. Do, however, use it if you can see that the date you want is not available and would like to be waitlisted in case it opens up. Our calendar is quite dynamic, so it’s always worth a shot!

If your booking is within 48 hours, you are encouraged to contact us by phone on 0436 000 657 about any issues impacting the booking, or if you need information that is not contained in your appointment emails or the Guest Guide.

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hedon house

Beat. Play. Love.